Campaign updates
This is a journal of the events, places, people and issues that Howie encounters as he talks to people about this campaign for the 2020 Green Party nomination for President of the United States.
Replace the Electoral College with a Ranked-Choice National Popular Vote for President
By Howie Hawkins Democratic principles demand that the president should be elected by the people on the basis of one-person, one-vote. But today the Electoral College will elect the president based on an anachronistic anti-democratic 18th century system where some...
Letter to Young People
We have received many direct messages — and see it in social media postings on platforms like TikTok viewed by millions in some cases — in which young people in their teens and twenties say that our campaign inspired them and urge us to keep going. Let us first say...
Cobertura de la campaña presidencial del Partido Verde en español
Menciones de prensa en español en todo el planeta:
The Green Socialist Opposition to the Next Administration Begins Now
by Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker Our campaign has just begun to organize and fight for real solutions to the life-or-death issues of climate, poverty, racism, and nuclear war for which the two-capitalist-party system of corporate rule has no solutions. We are...
Press Freedom Is Threatened by Biden and Trump; Julian Assange Must Be Freed
The extradition hearing of Julian Assange in the United Kingdom concluded testimony this week and now awaits a decision by Judge Vanessa Baraitser. During the past four weeks, it became increasingly clear the United States does not have a valid case and the conditions...
9/18/20: Are Environmentalists Too Compromised to Fight for Real Solutions?
A Response to the Open Letter from Environmentalists: “Are Environmentalists Too Pure to Beat Donald Trump?” By Howie Hawkins A group of aging environmentalists is out with an Open Letter telling people: Don’t vote for the Green Party. As the aging environmentalist...
What the Democrats aren’t telling you about Wisconsin
Well, we finally made the mainstream media, but while 2016 was all about slandering Stein/Baraka as Russian assets, this year it's that Howie and Angela are tools of the Republican Party that are denying people in Wisconsin their absentee ballots. Nothing could be...
Reject Militarism on the Anniversary of 9/11
By Howie Hawkins Nineteen years after more than 3,000 people were killed on 9/11, there remains a bipartisan commitment to fight an endless “war on terrorism,” instigate regime change coups, increase military spending, enhance US nuclear weapons, deport undocumented...
A Green New Deal for Workers
Workers in 2020 have a unique opportunity to vote to put two fellow workers in the White House. Howie is a recently retired Teamster and Angela is a dump truck driver. We know the economic realities that working people face in the United States. This Labor Day we call...
Whatever Happened to the Green New Deal?
By Howie Hawkins, Mark Dunlea, and Jon Rynn The Green New Deal was the signature issue of the Green Party in the 2010s. Howie Hawkins was the first US candidate to campaign for a Green New Deal in 2010 running for New York governor. The Green Party’s presidential...
The Syracuse Uprising Against Police Brutality Persists
By Howie Hawkins The movement against police brutality and systemic racism in Syracuse, New York has not let up since I reported on a June 6 demonstration of 2000-3000 people. At that time, Last Chance for Change group had promised to march for 40 days and nights....
They Can’t Keep Chikesia Clemons Down
By Howie Hawkins One of my first campaign stops in June 2019 after announcing my candidacy was in Mobile, Alabama, where among the group I spoke to was Chikesia Clemons. I didn’t know she would be there, but I had heard about her more than a year before she became...
Reverse the New Nuclear Arms Race
By Howie Hawkins and Madelyn Hoffman August 6 is the 75th anniversary of the only time any nation in the world dropped an atomic bomb on people. On August 6, 1945, President Harry Truman ordered Fat Man dropped on Hiroshima. 210,000 people were killed instantly. Three...
Red Lines For COVID and Economic Recovery
The Republicans have drawn a red line -- protect employers from legal liability from COVID. The Democrats have not put in any red lines in place. After seeing the Republican plan, multiple red lines are needed. The failed bi-partisan state is unable to pass...
7/20/20: The Moment of Truth Is Now for COVID & Economic Relief
By Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker The US Senate returned to work this week after a two-week vacation during which COVID-19 exploded and the economy imploded. The moment of truth has now arrived. Will the House and Senate now bring forth a Covid relief package...
Juneteenth 2020: Racism and Capitalism: Joined at the Hip from Birth
by Howie Hawkins Juneteenth celebrates the final end of American slavery when on June 19, 1865, the Union Army reached Galveston, Texas informed the last enslaved people that they were free more than two years after President Lincoln had issued his Emancipation...
Reimagining Public Safety: Community Control, Social Investment, and Decriminalizing Drugs
by Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker The new movement against police brutality and racism, spurred video-captured police murder of George Floyd, is now in its fourth week on the streets. Hundreds of thousands of people in every state and more than 2000 cities and towns...
Remembering Eugene V. Debs’ Canton Speech
by Howie Hawkins 102 years ago on this day, June 16, Eugene Debs gave the speech in Canton, Ohio that the US government used to charge him with obstructing the recruitment of soldiers into the Army for World War I. It was a speech about socialism that said nothing...
Syracuse #GeorgeFloyd Actions: Last Chance for Change
by Howie Hawkins Hundreds of young people in Syracuse, New York, have been marching for many miles every day for nearly two weeks since the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25. The marches formed spontaneously as young people...
Free Edward Snowden and All Whistleblowers and Political Prisoners
by Howie Hawkins The 10-day-old civil uprising following the murder of George Floyd has put police brutality and racism into the national spotlight. The militarized and often violent response by the police and National Guard against nonviolent protest is one form of...
Uprooting Police Brutality and Racism
By Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker We stand in solidarity with the righteous national uprising for racial justice sparked by the police lynching of George Floyd. Trump is calling the protesters “thugs” and “terrorists” in order to incite and justify violence by the...
Hawkins/Walker April FEC Filing: Positioned to Unite the Left
The Howie Hawkins / Angela Walker 2020 Green Party presidential campaign has filed its April 2020 FEC Financial Report at the end of May. We reported more than $43,000 cash on hand and a tremendous surge in donations, thanks largely to the new coalition of political...
The Minneapolis Uprising: An open letter to Black Americans
Dear Black Family and Co-Conspirators, I will admit to you that I was doing all I could to avoid letting the lynching of George Floyd register in my mind and spirit. I have not watched the video of his murder, nor do I plan to. I can’t. This is a situation we as a...
Open letter to Charlamagne tha God
Dear Charlamagne tha God, We hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. We are Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker, the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates for the Green Party of the US. We watched your interviews with former Vice President Joe Biden...
#SayHerName: Brianna Hill
Very recently, a video has materialized which shows two Kansas City police officers brutalizing a transgender woman as they arrested her. According to an article in The Guardian, the assault was captured on video on May 24th of 2019, a full year ago. In it, the...
Memorial Day: Honor the Warriors, Not the Wars
by Howie Hawkins Memorial Day is a federal holiday on which we honor and mourn the members of the US Armed Forces who have died in service. Lamentably, militarism, rather than mourning, is the dominant theme in too many commemorations. It may only be coincidence that...
Covid-19 Crisis: Time for the Green Party To Step Into the Political Vacuum
by Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker The Covid-19 health catastrophe and economic depression has made it clear to all who are willing believe their own experiences that the two governing parties are presiding over a failed state With 4% of the world’s population, the US...