Campaign updates
This is a journal of the events, places, people and issues that Howie encounters as he talks to people about this campaign for the 2020 Green Party nomination for President of the United States.
Dispatches from Europe, No. 15, January 31, 2025 – Talking about U.S. Politics with Ukrainian Leftists
On Saturday, November 9, I met with members of the democratic socialist organization Sotsialnyi Rukh in Kyiv. I gave a talk about U.S. politics, followed by discussion. I used the same notes for my talk in Kyiv that I would use for later meetings with the Kryvyi Rih...
Dispatches from Europe No. 14, January 23, 2025 – Ukraine and Georgia Today: A Firsthand Report
Solidarity Members' and Friends' Discussion with Howie Hawkins, member of Solidarity, Green Party and Ukraine Solidarity Network Ilya Budraitskis, Russian activist and analyst now at University of California - Berkeley With Russia's annexationist...
Dispatches from Europe No. 13, January 27, 2025 – Yurii Samoilov, Miners Union Leader and Revolutionary Socialist
On November 6, my hosts in Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement), a democratic socialist organization in Ukraine, arranged for me to meet with Yuriy Samoilov, a co-founder of Sotsialnyi Rukh, President of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine, and President of...
Dispatches from Europe, No. 12, December 3, 2024 – Dispatches After the Election of Trump
Dispatches After the Election of Trump My last dispatch was almost a month ago, on November 6, the day after Trump won the American presidential election. The main reason for the pause in dispatches is that my hosts in Ukraine, and then Poland, Germany, Czechia, and...
Dispatches from Europe, No. 11, November 6, 2024 – Socialists and Anarchists in Ukraine
Socialists and Anarchists in Ukraine The nonsense coming from Russian propaganda and its campist echo chambers online in the West claiming that all opposition to the Zelensky government in Ukraine is banned and persecuted is belied by the very active anti-capitalist...
Dispatches from Europe, No. 10, November 6, 2024 – Election Reflections
Election Reflections People in Ukraine were following the U.S. presidential election more intensely than most Americans. The future of their country might be at stake. Would Harris continue Biden’s miserly drip feed of ammunition and weapons to defend against Russia’s...
Dispatches from Europe, No. 9, November 7, 2024 – Svitlana Romanko on Defunding Russia’s Fossil-Fueled Military Machine Svitlana Romanko is the Executive Director of Razom We Stand, a Ukrainian climate justice organization focused on ending fossil-fueled conflicts and climate chaos and driving the clean energy revolution in Ukraine and globally. Before...
Dispatches from Europe, No. 8, November 6, 2024 – European Left Alliance for People and the Planet
I arrived in Kyiv on the afternoon of November 2 to the sound of air raid sirens. The air raid warnings had been going on all day. They come by phone once you get the Air Alert app, which is one of the first things my hosts had me do. Now my phone screen is covered...
Dispatches from Europe, No. 7, October 31, 2024 – Alex Scrivener on the Georgia Election and What’s Next In this October 29 interview, Alex Scrivener explains the political background and the high stakes in the October 26 parliamentary election, the allegations of extensive election fraud, and what could come next in this ongoing political...
Dispatches from Europe, No. 6, October 31, 2024 – Greens Movement of Georgia
Green politics in Georgia started out with a civic movement organization, the Greens Movement, during the late Soviet period in the late 1980s that was directly influenced by the emerging Green parties of Western Europe. The Greens Movement was an important force in...
Dispatches from Europe #5: October 30, 2024 – Ia Eradze on Resisting Authoritarianism and Foreign Domination in Georgia
I interviewed Ia Eradze, a leftwing political economist in Georgia, on October 28, two days after the controversial Georgia parliamentary election. We talked in the afternoon before a protest demonstration against election...
Dispatches from Europe #4, October 29, 2024 – Georgian Opposition Takes to the Streets to Protest Stolen Election
Georgian Opposition Takes to the Streets to Protest Stolen Election Monday, October 28 started in the morning with a call by Georgia’s independent President, Salome Zourabichvili, calling for people to protest outside the Georgia’s Parliament Building on that evening...
Dispatches from Europe, No. 3, October 27, 2024 – Georgia Parliamentary Election: “It was a fix.”
By Howie Hawkins The officially announced results of the parliamentary election in the country of Georgia yesterday are in dispute. The ruling Georgia Dream party declared victory, while the four major opposition parties called the election stolen. With more than 99%...
Dispatches from Europe #2, October 25, 2024: The Greens Party of Georgia (the country)
As Kermit the Frog famously said, “It’s not easy being Green.” That is true in Georgia as well as America. Georgian Greens are as familiar with Kermit’s lament as we are. Just to reinforce what I said in my last dispatch about how most Americans don’t know there is a...
Dispatches from Europe, No. 1, October 24, 2024
Why Am I in Georgia? I am in Georgia — the country, not the state. Most Americans don’t know there is a country called Georgia. When I had to call customer service to figure out why my phone wasn’t making calls in Georgia despite the international plan I bought before...
Howie Appears on Socialists in the 2024 Election Panel Howie appeared on a MarxMail panel on "Socialists and the 2024 Elections" on September 24. Watch the discussion and hear Howie's case for why it's important for independent socialists to run campaigns outside the...
A Report on the Climate March from the Front
A number of Greens have been asking why I was not with the Green Party contingent at the Climate March in New York City on September 17. I was in the march, but I marched at the front with Svitlana Romanko of Razom We Stand who I have been working with in that...
Post-Election Analyses and Reflections
Thank you from Howie and Angela. Now, what's next? By Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker Green Party US, November 9, 2020 We want to express our deepest thanks to all who supported our campaign through a particularly difficult year for Greens and independent socialists....
Report Back from the Global Greens Congress
Fighting Radioactive Wastewater Dumping from New York to Fukushima By Howie Hawkins June 21, 2023 I attended the Global Greens Congress in Incheon, South Korea, as an informal observer intending to interact with and learn from Greens around the world. Leading...
Green Sunday – A Conversation About Ukraine & Peace, with Jill Stein & Howie Hawkins What constitutes a progressive position on the war in Ukraine? What factors might bring about peace? Should the United States continue to send military aid, and other support, to Ukraine? What should be done about the parts...
Green Socialist Perspectives on Ukraine Hosted by the Green Socialist Organizing Project, this discussion, on the year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, looks at differing Green Socialist perspectives on the war in Ukraine. Panelists will discuss key foundational...
Release: Greens Slam Biden Administration for Impeding Climate Action at COP27
EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States November 21, 2022 For More information: Mark Dunlea,, 518 860-3725 Greens Slam Biden Administration for Impeding Climate...
RCV Won in the 2022 General Election
Ranked Choice Voting won 8 out of 10 ballot measures on November 8. RCV in single member districts won in Fort Collins CO, Evanston IL, and Multonomah County OR. Significantly, proportional RCV (RCV in multi-member districts to create proportional representation) won...
New York’s Party Suppression is a Form of Voter Suppression and Elitism
By Howie Hawkins and Larry Sharpe Many are outraged at recent Republican laws enacted in many states that affect voting rights. But we all should be outraged at Democrats in New York who have enacted laws to undermine voting rights in our state. These new rules ensure...
Stop the War in Ukraine. Russian Troops Out. No NATO Expansion.
By Howie Hawkins March 4, 2022 With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have entered a global crisis where nuclear war, or a nuclear power plant meltdown as a consequence of combat, are distinct possibilities. The war has buried media coverage of the release last week...
Freedom to Vote Act—For Capitalist Parties Only
By Howie Hawkins The Freedom to Vote Act, the pared down voting rights legislation that Democratic Senators unveiled on September 14, must be supported to preempt GOP state laws for partisan gerrymandering, voter suppression, election subversion, and intimidation of...
Howie’s Testimony to the New York Senate Committee on Elections
Testimony of Howie Hawkins New York State Senate Committee on Elections "To Review Elections Administration and Voting Rights in Central New York” Pubic Hearing, August 4, 2021 My name is Howie Hawkins. I live in Syacuse, New York. I was the Green Party’s...