Retired Teamster warehouse and construction worker. Marine Corps veteran. Attended Dartmouth College. Three-time Green Party candidate for New York governor in 2010, 2014, and 2018. First US candidate to campaign for a Green New Deal in 2010.
#1 Priority: “3 Things I Will Do If I Win”
CLIMATE ACTION – An Ecosocialist Green New Deal featuring public enterprise and planning to rapidly rebuild the power, transportation, manufacturing, buildings, and agricultural sectors for 100% clean energy and zero to negative greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
#2 Priority: “3 Things I Will Do If I Win”
ECONOMIC JUSTICE – An Economic Bill of Rights: Job guarantee. Guaranteed income above poverty. Affordable housing for all. Improved Medicare for All. Tuition-free public education childe care and preK through college and trade school. Retirement security by doubling Social Security.
#3 Priority: “3 Things I Will Do If I Win”
PEACE – End the endless wars. US troops home. Cut military spending by 75%. No First Use of nuclear weapons. Disarm to Minimum Credible Deterrent. Negotiate mutual nuclear disarmament with nuclear powers. Sign the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.