DC Restore the Vote Committee

Voter Information for Incarerated DC Residents

What Office are you running for?
President and Vice President of the United States

What is your name?
Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker

What is your political party?
DC Statehood Green Party

What is your message to the voters housed within the DC Department of Corrections?

Economic Bill of Rights to end poverty. Job Guarantee for the unemployed. Guaranteed Income above poverty. Affordable Housing. Medicare for All. Free Public Education through College and Trade School. A Secure Retirement for every senior by doubling Social Security payments.

Prisoners Rights: $20 minimum wage and a union for workers in prisons. Full medical and mental health services. Freedom to read, write, speak, practice religion, and communicate with the outside world. Free public education as far as prisoners’ interests and abilities take them.

Community Control of the Police: Publicly-elected police commissions with the power to hire and fire police chiefs, set policies and budgets, and independently investigate and discipline police misconduct.


Howie Hawkins 2020

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