by Chris Blankenhorn | Oct 23, 2020
by Joe Allen I read Sean Duffy’s “Why DSA is Not Endorsing Joe Biden” in the Midwest Socialist with great interest. Election year debates for socialists are always important for sharpening our arguments and clarifying our political positions. It is here that I found...
by Chris Blankenhorn | Aug 1, 2020
by Harris L, Ramy Khalil and Philip Lockerby Harris L, Ramy Khalil and Philip Locker Co-Signers: Deepa Bhandaru, Manuel Carrillo, Sean Case, Mark Rafferty, Connor Rauch, Melissa Schade, Stan Strasner, Bryan Watson, and Brian Weitzner Seattle DSA will vote on a...
by Chris Blankenhorn | May 4, 2020
Pursue an electoral strategy that can represent the distinct interests of working people without demanding that voters start immediately supporting unviable third-party candidacies. By Bhaskar Sunkara Peter Dreier’s polemic in The Nation last week, “WTF Is Jacobin’s...
by Chris Blankenhorn | Apr 28, 2020
Bhaskar Sunkara’s stance is self-indulgent—an individual act of virtue signaling rather than part of a collective movement for justice. By Peter Dreier Bhaskar Sunkara, editor of the provocative and popular socialist Jacobin magazine, tweeted last week that he intends...