9/5/20: Green Party candidates sue to get on Wisconsin’s ballot this fall – FOX 47 Madison

MADISON, Wis. — The Green Party candidates for president and vice president filed a lawsuit in the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday to get on the ballot this November.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission certified the candidates had 1,789 valid signatures on their nominating papers, short of the necessary 2,000, in its meeting on the challenge last month. Commissioners deadlocked 3-3 in deciding the validity of an additional 1,834 signatures, in question due to an incorrect address of the vice presidential candidate who said she moved during the process.

The state Supreme Court ordered that the six members of the WEC file a response to the lawsuit by 4 p.m. Tuesday.

Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker, running for president and vice president respectively, argue because the commission didn’t vote to invalidate the signatures, there is a presumption of validity and the signatures should be accepted.

“Thousands of voters in Wisconsin signed petitions to put the Green Party on the ballot,” Hawkins said in a news release. “These voters want more choices than the Democratic and Republican Party.”

Rapper Kanye West’s has also filed suit against the WEC in Brown County Circuit Court after WEC voted to keep him off the state’s presidential ballot because he narrowly missed the deadline for filing nomination papers.


Link: http://fox47.com/news/local/green-party-candidates-sue-to-get-on-wisconsins-ballot-this-fall

Fox 47 Madison


Posted on

September 5, 2020

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