Howie Hawkins, presidential nominee of the national Green Party’s July convention, announced his running mate choice, Angela Walker, in early May. Hawkins, 67, a retired UPS employee and Teamster, and Walker, 46, a working truck driver, are both longtime activists for rights and needs of all people, particularly workers.

In abbreviated form here is a list of some of what they support: a jobs guarantee modeled after Roosevelt’s WPA; ending systemic racism; single-payer Medicare for All; warriors, not wars; and renewable energy (Hawkins is a Clamshell Alliance co-founder).

To put flesh on the above, read about more of what they support and keep up to date on new postings, spend time at Please consider joining those of us who support and will vote for Howie Hawkins for president and Angela Walker for VP on Nov. 3.

Peggy Kacerak
