6/5/23: Justice Party of South Korea: Briefing Regarding the meeting between the Justice Party and the US Green Party 

Office of the Spokesperson | 2023-06-05 17:05:21
Date: June 5, 2023 (Mon) 17:00

Venue: National Assembly Communication Hall press conference room
Justice Party Spokesperson Wee Seon-hee (center) and Bae Jin Gyo, Justice Party representative in the National Assembly (right)

On the 5th, the Green Party of America, who visited Korea to attend the World Green Party Congress, visited the Justice Party and held a meeting. A total of four US Green Party members, including Howie Hawkins, who is a candidate for the 2020 US presidential election and may run for the US presidential election in 2024, attended the meeting.

This meeting was a place to confirm that the discharge of contaminated water in Fukushima is a serious issue that threatens the health of citizens around the world as an environmental problem not only in Korea but also internationally. It was a venue to reaffirm our determination to stop the discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima, which threatens the world’s oceans and soils, which are the foundation of life, and to put strong pressure on the Japanese government.

They also shared the opinion that political reform is essential to prevent the degenerative democracy that resulted from the evils of the two-party system. At the closed-door meeting, the reality of the United States without a proportional representation system and Korea with a limited proportional representation system was highlighted, and both parties agreed that a run-off voting system and a complete proportional representation system are essential for the realization of a multi-party system.

Hawkins commented that Korea’s limited proportional representation system is a disprove that Korea’s democracy is a limited democracy. In response, the Justice Party replied that it is calling for political reforms that increase proportionality for the sake of a National Assembly that expands the limits of democracy and resembles the people.

Next, Co-Chairman Bashore mentioned the fact that the Seoul Metropolitan Government did not allow the Seoul Queer Culture Festival, and said that this was discrimination and exclusion, not liberalism or democracy. He also sent support for the Justice Party’s efforts to enact an anti-discrimination law, mentioning the conflict over the construction of a mosque in Daegu.

On the 5th, through a meeting with the Justice Party and the US Green Party, we shared not only the current status and problems of each country’s response to the climate crisis, but also the problem of discharge of contaminated water in Fukushima and practical ways to realize multi-party democracy. The Justice Party promises to stand with all citizens and all political parties striving to create a better society beyond spatial limitations.

June 5, 2023
Justice Party Spokesperson Wee Seon-hee

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June 5, 2023