10/30/20: We need to grow a strong 3rd party – The Bulletin


The following is an excerpt:

We’ve all seen the lawn signs: “Any Responsible Adult in 2020.” If major party dolts don’t impress you for president, rather than vote lesser of two evils, consider the following. Joe Biden is a lock to win Connecticut’s seven electoral votes on Tuesday (even Clinton did in 2016). Five percent of the vote for Howie Hawkins (Cassandra Martineau is 2nd District candidate for the House) assures the Green Party of federal funding in future elections.

With the planet’s future at stake, Donald Trump isn’t an option. Given the Supreme Court’s conservatism, legal challenges could weaken the EPA, and U.S. infrastructure needs an overhaul. Trump’s continued prioritization of fossil fuels over green alternatives could lock us onto dangerous paths for decades, missing clean energy’s health and economic benefits, worsening our carbon footprint and putting us further behind China and the E.U. The country posing the greatest threat to America today…is America.

Scott Deshefy is two-time Green Party congressional candidate.


Link: https://www.norwichbulletin.com/story/opinion/2020/10/30/vote-strategically-and-coordinate-progressive-objectives/6083047002/

The Bulletin


Posted on

October 30, 2020

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Howie Hawkins 2020

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