Howie Hawkins, a social activist who worked as a teamster till as recently as 2018, is Green party’s candidate for US presidential election 2020.
Angela Walker, a socialist from a working class family in Wisconsin, is Howie’s running mate and the Green Party’s candidate for the vice-president.
One of the founders of the party, Howie has run for many offices during his long political career, with three consecutive runs for New York governor in 2010, 2014 and 2018. Howie ran on a Green New Deal for New York governor in 2010.
The Green Party aims to enlist the support of disgruntled Bernie supporters, the left wing of the Democrats, who backed the Vermont Senator until his run came to an abrupt end after Super Tuesday.
Two key components of the Bernie agenda, a Green New Deal and Medicare for all, are also the part of Hawkins campaign.
“A lot of people in the Democrat primary supported Bernie Sanders because they want Medicare for all, they want a full-strength green new deal. They want student and medical debt relief. Joe Biden is not for those things. We are,” said Hawkins, in an interview with TOI earlier this year.
On the issue of the coronavirus, the party is in favour of a $2,000 a month support to all adults over age 16 and $500 per child, enforcement of the Defense Production Act for the production and distribution of medical supplies and a cancellation of rent, mortgage, and utility payments for all, with government taking up the responsibility of making these payments.
If elected to the office, the Hawkins campaign has vowed to pass an Economic bill of rights that would include a job guarantee, a $ 20 minimum wage and securing the retirement of citizens by doubling social security benefits.
The party has also thrown its support behind legalising marijuana, decriminalising sex work and ending “warrantless mass surveillance.”
The party is on the ballot in 30 states, with court challenges affecting its ballot access in many states. In 17 states, Howie and Angela are running as write-in candidates.
In the 2016 elections, Green Party’s candidate Jill Stein, who also ran in 2012, got 1.07% of the popular vote and secured 1,457,216 overall.
Times of India