Like other political parties in the US, the Green Party carries out a primary process to determine its presidential nominee.  Because of the varying level of recognition that the Green Party has across the country, the process for voting on who our presidential nominee differs from state to state.  Some states take part in their state sponsored primaries and caucuses, some hold conventions, some hold internal presidential preference votes separate from the state ran process.  States then apportion delegates to the 2020 Green Party US Presidential Nominating Convention.

From the start of our campaign, one of our main campaign goals was to build the Green Party as an activist and viable opposition to the two-capitalist-party system of corporate rule.  As a co-founder of the Green Party in the United States, I have spent decades organizing towards building the Greens into an independent left power.  This campaign is not only important because of the life and death policies we bring to the table or the results of the election, this campaign is building the foundations for a Green revolution in the 2020s.  

In order to build this movement, we have to first win the Green Party nomination.  We are already more than halfway the way there, and we need your help to make sure that our unity campaign is as strong as possible going into the general election!  We need your vote in upcoming Green Party Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions.  We need your donations to help us grow our campaign into a real challenge to the corporate parties.  We need you to volunteer to helps us get the word out about our movement.   


Find your state’s in the list of upcoming primaries and conventions below and click the link on the voting dates to find out how to vote.  If your state is not available or there is no voting link, that is because the voting link has not been made public yet or the state is adjusting its processes due to the COVID-19 public health crisis. 

Upcoming Votes

WordPress Data Table

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, some state’s primary processes are in flux.  This list is updated and kept as up to date as possible with the ever changing situation.


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Green Party US Delegate Tracker: 


Howie Hawkins 2020

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