Hello H20 Delegate! We are so honored to have you on the team!

We realize that you are being inundated with so much information that it’s getting hard to make heads or tails out of it all. So, we’ve launched this page to help.
Communication Portals
The party is using the Loomio app for voting and for discussion between all delegates.
This campaign is using Basecamp to communicate with you, as well as email, text and voice mail. Only delegates who are committed to the Hawkins/Walker ticket are in Basecamp.
Prepare for the convention
- Make sure you’re registered for the convention. At this moment, only a few delegates have not done so. Generally speaking, if you’re already in Loomio, it means you’re registered correctly.
- Make sure you’re signed up for Loomio. If you know you are registered but have not been added to Loomio, please email Michael O’Neil at meo@gp.org. BE SURE TO WATCH YOUR JUNK/TRASH/SPAM EMAIL FOLDERS. If this isn’t rectified by the evening of Friday, July 10, please email andrea@howiehawkins.us, and we will assist.
- The window to sign into Loomio on Saturday July 11, which demonstrates that you are “present” at the convention, is 11:00 am EASTERN to 12:00 noon EASTERN. That means 10 am Central to 11 am Central, or 9 am Mountain to 10 am Mountain, or 8 am Pacific to 9 am Pacific, or 5 am to 6 am Hawaii-Aleutian.
- Please set an alarm for yourself, to ensure you sign in on time.
Votes to watch for
The most controversial vote of the day will be approval of the Credentials Report. To pass, the report needs to be approved by a simple majority of the convention, and therefore we need EVERY H20 delegate to vote yes.
There is some discussion that the report will be challenged. However, all challenges have been exhausted at this time, they were all denied by either the Credentials Committee or the Steering Committee, and we believe there are no new issues to pursue. However, should the Credentials Committee decide to put a challenge through to the convention to vote on, we’re asking you to vote NO on any individual challenge.
Here is background on challenges already reviewed:
- Colorado credentials challenge report from the Credentials Committee: https://howiehawkins.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/usgp-nc-Colorado-Credentials-Challenge.pdf
- North Carolina credentials challenge response from the Credentials Committee: https://howiehawkins.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/usgp-nc-Credentials-challenge-to-North-Carolina.pdf
- Response to credentials challenges to Kansas, Texas and Young Ecosocialists Caucus (Youth) from the national Steering Committee: https://howiehawkins.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/usgp-nc-Credentials-Challenges-KS-TX-YES.pdf
UPDATE AS OF 3:30 PM EDT 7/10: We have just gotten word that individuals will be attempting to challenge Texas’ credentials again, in an effort to “unbind” their delegates. This is an extreme overreach of the concept of decentralization and violates GPTX’s bylaws. In Texas, going against bylaws is a punishable offense, so passage of this challenge would jeopardize individuals within GPTX. PLEASE VOTE NO IF IT COMES TO THE FLOOR.
Communication Overload
We realize all the different communication portals are becoming pretty onerous, so here is how to scale back email notifications from Basecamp.
- Open your email settings. Click on your icon at the very top right corner of the screen. It brings up a menu, like in the image below.
- Click on “change your notification settings.”
In the screen that comes up (see image below), choose your settings. We recommend choosing “Only notify me when someone sends me a Ping or @mentions me” for the time being.
Become an elector
Many delegates are in states that have started petitioning or are preparing to. We are looking for a few good delegates to become electors. Electors are people whose names and addresses appear on the petitioning blanks and who will step up to vote in the Electoral College on behalf of the Hawkins/Walker ticket. Listing electors is a requirement for petitioning.
If you are willing to serve in this role for your state, please email Gini Lester at gini@howiehawkins.us, with our thanks!
Join us for training on Sunday
On Sunday at 3 pm Eastern (2 pm Central, 1 pm Mountain, Noon Pacific, 9 am Hawaii-Aleutian), we will be holding an “Introduction to Hawkins/Walker 2020” Zoom meeting for all delegates and people interested in how to get more involved in the campaign. It’s only expected to last two hours.
Please RSVP here if you’d like to join, and also feel free to pass that link along to others.
Once you RSVP, please check all your email folders for a confirmation that includes the password-protected link to the meeting. If you cannot find this confirmation, please email rose@howiehawkins.us.
Once again, thank you each for your participation and for your support of this campaign. Now, let’s go spread some Green values in a country that desperately needs our voice!