How to vote for Howie Hawkins in Massachusetts
Early voting in the primary in Massachusetts is from February 24 through February 28. In each city there is at least one early voting center.
After February 28, you must vote in person at a polling location (see below for a link to find your polling location) on Election Day, MARCH 3, 2020.
You can request and turn in an application for an absentee ballot if you:
- Will be away from town on Election Day (March 3)
- Cannot vote in person due to religious beliefs
- Have a disability that makes voting in person difficult.
If you do request an absentee ballot, you must turn in your application NO LATER THAN MONDAY, MARCH 2 AT NOON. Click here to download the application.
Once you receive your absentee ballot, the best idea would be to hand carry the ballot to your city/town hall before the polls close.
- Click here to find your city’s early voting location.
- Click here to find your polling location for the Super Tuesday primary.
- Aquí esta disponible información sobre esta elección en español, haga cliq en la palabra “Español.”
The “presidential preference” section on your GREEN-RAINBOW BALLOT will be similar to the image below.
Why voting for Howie Hawkins matters
I am asking for your vote in the Green-Rainbow Party presidential primary in Massachusetts.
My campaign is running a 50-state national campaign with two basic goals:
1. Build the Green Party
- Ballot qualification in all 50 states & DC
- Qualify for federal matching funds
- Train local Green organizers
- Help down-ticket Green candidates
- Expand the Green Party among the working class, youth, and people of color
2. Put Green Demands into the National Debate, including:
- The Green Party’s full-strength Green New Deal to avert climate disaster
- An Economic Bill of Rights to end poverty and economic injustice
- A Job Guarantee
- A Guaranteed Income Above Poverty
- Affordable Housing through universal rent control and a radical expansion of public housing
Medicare for All through a community-based National Health Service - Lifelong Free Public Education from child care and pre-K through college, technical school, and adult continuing education
- A Secure Retirement through doubling Social Security benefits and reforming pension laws
- US troops home, a 75% military spending cut, and nuclear disarmament initiatives
- Reparations for African Americans
- Proportional representation in Congress
- Presidential elections by a national popular vote using ranked-choice voting
It is even more important that you vote in the Green primary because of the recent surge in support for the Bernie Sanders campaign. I am encouraged by that support because it shows that the mass base for many of the progressive reforms that the Green Party advocates is there.
Of the issues I just highlighted, Sanders goes part of the way on the Green New Deal and the Economic Bill of Rights, much further than any other Democratic candidate. But he doesn’t support the last four items in that list. That is one important reason is why we need a strong Green presidential campaign that can force these demands into the national debate.
Beyond the policies we are advocating, the Green Party is building a bottom-up political party for the long haul. Sanders is just building a top-down campaign organization for this election.
Moreover, Sanders’ “socialism” is really old-fashioned liberalism. It relies on taxing the capitalists to fund social programs instead of taking power from them. The capitalists’ concentrated economic power will still translate into concentrated political power that will resist and roll back the social programs. The blind growth dynamic structured into capitalism’s competitive drive for profits will continue to devour the natural resources and ecosystems that sustain us.
I am campaigning for an ecosocialist economic democracy based on social ownership and democratic administration of the major means of production. That starts with the renewable energy, electrified rail, and clean manufacturing sectors that we need to carry through the Green New Deal as a 10-year crash program for zero greenhouse gas emissions and 100% clean energy by 2030. Socialist economic democracy is how we put the people in power to meet everyone’s basic needs within ecological limits.
If Sanders is denied the Democratic nomination, many of his supporters will turn to the Green alternative and vote Green in November. If Sanders wins the nomination and then the presidency, the first obstacle to reforms he and we support will be the corporate Democrats, before we even get to the Republicans.
The movement for these reforms will be stronger the stronger the Green Party is. A growing Green Party challenging corporate Democrats in elections will prevent the corporate Democrats from taking progressive votes for granted. They will have to move our way on the issues in order to appeal to progressive voters or lose their seats to Greens.
Strengthening the Green-Rainbow Party starts in Massachusetts this week with getting out the vote for the Green -Rainbow presidential primary.
You can vote early from Monday, February 24 through Friday, February 28.
Early voting will be available in every city and town during the local election office’s regular business hours. Some communities will offer extended hours and additional locations for early voting.
You can find out where and when your community offers early voting at the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s early voting website,
If you miss early voting, polls across the state will be open the day of the primary election, Tuesday, March 3, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.