Why vote for Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker in the Green Party of Mississippi primary?

We need real solutions now. Because the Republicans and the Democrats are either incompetent or just plain MIA, Angela Walker and I ask for your vote in the Green Party of Mississippi’s primary on May 30, so that we can put real solutions on the table.

With Biden now the presumptive Democratic nominee, we are running to give the millions of people who want these policies a way to keep fighting for them through the November 3 election and beyond. With the two-party system of corporate rule giving us a miserable choice between Biden, a neoliberal hawk, and Trump, a racist incompetent, the time is now for the Green Party to grow into a major party and force in American politics.

We were encouraged by the support Senator Bernie Sanders received in his Democratic primary run, because the exit polling showed even broader majoritarian support for his policies than his actual vote—policies that the Greens have long championed like improved Medicare for All and a full-strength Green New Deal.

As the COVID-19 health and economic crises deepen, Trump’s lies and incompetence are killing people. Biden is nowhere to be seen. The two corporate parties cannot solve simple problems like procuring medical supplies, equipment, and hospital beds and providing economic relief for the people. Instead, they give us a “disaster capitalism” relief package that showers big business with big subsidies while shortchanging working people, small businesses, hospitals, and cash-strapped state and local governments.

As the only presidential ticket in any party making nuclear disarmament a top campaign issue, our call for Nuclear Disarmament Initiatives is needed more than ever as the coronavirus pandemic spawns chauvinistic nationalism, racist scapegoating, and international tensions in the midst of an out-of-control nuclear arms race.

It’s time to rescue our future. Please sign up to become a member of the Green party of Mississippi so that you can cast a vote for the Hawkins/Walker ticket. The details are below.

Read Howie’s bio | Read Angela’s bio

How to vote for Howie and Angela

The Green Party of Mississippi is holding its state convention on May 30, 2020 at 12 noon via Zoom video conference.  Only those who are registered members of GPMS will be eligible to vote in the convention.  Here’s how to join and cast your vote:

  1. YES, you can vote in the GPMS primary if you already voted in the Democrat primary.
  2. Ensure you are a member of GPMS.  Download and fill out this form.  Take a photo, put the form in the mail, and email your photo to info@greenpartyms.com, with a cc to mobilize@howiehawkins.us
  3. Request the Zoom video conference information via email to info@greenpartyms.com.
  4. Connect to the conference on May 30 at noon.  The meeting agenda follows.


  1. All members sign in and update contact information.
  2. Introductions of all
  3. Choose Convention chair and secretary
  4. Consider any written proposed amendments to the GP MS Bylaws
  5. Consider any written proposed amendments to GP MS Platform
  6. Consider any written proposed resolutions for presentation to the GP US national convention and/or as a news release and/or elsewhere.
  7. Discuss presidential candidates and selection of delegates and alternates to the Green Party of the United States 2020 convention
    • candidate statements, statements from supporters – 2 minutes each candidate
  8. determine whether to endorse a candidate and whether to commit GPMS delegates to particular candidate(s) at the Green Party of the United States national convention
  9. select 4 delegates and 4 alternates to the Green Party of the United States national convention, July 9-12, 2020, by conference call
  10. Select 2 National Committeepersons to represent GPMS with GPUS
  11. Select 6 presidential electors to be listed on the 2020 general election ballot in Mississippi for the candidates to be chosen by the Green Party of the United States at the national convention – 1 elector from each of the 4 Congressional Districts and 2 electors at large

Other business

  1. Discussion of campaigning for the GP US candidates for President and Vice President, major issues to raise, potential new members and Green voters, time and geographical commitments of members for the campaign, 2021 municipal elections, special elections for MS House or Senate
  2. Election of members of the State Executive Committee – up to 8 members from each Congressional district
  3. Adjournment of State Convention
  4. Immediately following convention adjournment: Newly elected State Executive Committee meets to elect Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer for 2020-24.

Howie Hawkins 2020

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