How to vote for Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker in Maine

The Maine Independent Green Party will be holding their annual meeting on Sunday, June 14, 2020, starting at 9 a.m., during which votes will be cast for the presidential nomination.  Here’s how to cast your vote for Howie and Angela in Maine:


  1. Check your voter registration to ensure you’re registered Green Independent.  Call your municipal registrar if you’re not sure.  Here’s a list.
  2. If you’re not registered Green Independent, you can still do so, but you’ll have to take this form to your municipal registrar.  Here’s a listing of those registrars.  Be sure to take a photo of your completed and signed registration before submitting.  You may need to supply it to the Maine Independent Green Party if the state listing isn’t updated in time.
  3. Once you’ve ensured you’re eligible, register for the annual meeting via Zoom here.
  4. Pay close attention to your email, including spam or trash.  Once your registration has been accepted, you will be emailed more information about the Zoom meeting, as well as an online voting option.
  5. If you cannot attend the Zoom meeting or only part of it, be sure to cast your vote online.

Howie Hawkins 2020

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