H’20 raises five times more than all the other Green presidential campaigns combined

The Howie Hawkins 2020 Green Party presidential campaign has filed its 2019 Year-End FEC Financial Report. As the campaign’s treasurer, I’m pleased to share our promising numbers. As of this writing:

  • We’ve raised more than $80,000.
  • We’ve received more than 1,950 donations from more than 1,000 individual donors.
  • Our average donation is $42.

Donor Comments

I was planning to emphasize that we have far more individual donors, individual small donors, and individual contributions than the other Green presidential campaigns. Or explain that, among Green presidential campaigns who have raised more than $1,000, we are the only one that isn’t self-funded (donations and loans from the other candidates to their own campaigns exceed their combined cash on hand by more than $10,000). But I think it’s best to hear directly from the people who are powering our working-class campaign. We love reading y’all’s donor comments—keep them coming! Here are a select few from the past 3 months:

“Thank you so much, Howie Hawkins, for speaking out against the coup in Bolivia!”
—a scientist in Santa Clara, CA, who contributed $26

“I’m a government healthcare worker. I hope to retire soon. I’m a Green who has learned much from you and our fallen brother, Bruce Dixon.”
—a VA respiratory therapist from Detroit who contributed $5.50

“Thank you for running for president on a platform to put people, planet and peace before profit! 💚🌻”
—a hospital worker in East Hampton, CT, who contributed $50

“If every CT voter who voted Green in 2016 donates, it’ll be less than a quarter per person to reach federal matching funds!”
—same donor, contributed $16 this time

—a different donor who also happens to be a hospital worker in CT, contributed $11

“Liked Howie’s responses to the Solomon-Fletcher-Ehrenreich axis.”
—a retired teacher in San Rafael, CA, who contributed $260

“I tell friends that 3rd party voting is the Long Game. Short-term fixes always fail.”
—an accountant in Manhattan, NY, who contributed $53.

“I don’t have much to give, but this is such a vitally important campaign. The only cure for the past three years and the coming year of Trump is a reinvigorated, confident left and Howie’s campaign is an important part of that. If anyone can make the Green party a viable contender in national politics again it is Howie. I remember following his campaigns for NY governor and am so excited he is now on the national stage!”
—a librarian in Groton, CT, who contributed $11

“Thanks for getting the Green message out.”
—a math tutor from San Luis Opisbo, CA, who contributed $47

“Go Howie 2020! For an ecosocialist future!”
—a retired social worker in Gulfport, FL, who contributed $21

“#runHowierun! Not giving my money to the parties of billionaire cheerleaders so they can destroy the planet and exploit the workers in the process.”
—a student in Ithaca, NY, who contributed $11

“Revolution is the only solution.”
—a cashier in Manalapan, NJ, who contributed $26

“If nothing else, your voice will strongly raise the demands of voters. Best of luck.”
—a retired supporter in Redford Charter Township, MI, who contributed $26

On Track to Federal Matching Funds

Here’s how Matching Funds works: the federal government doubles donations to our campaign for the duration of the primary (including all the donations that have been made since we first launched), up to $250 per individual donor. In order to qualify, we need to raise $5,000 in each of 20 states (only the first $250 per donor counts). Only about 100 of our 1,000+ donors have hit $250, which means there’s plenty of opportunity within our existing donor base. So please, keep on contributing! And of course, since our campaign is largely a party-building exercise, we’ll continue to work to expand our base.

As of this writing, we’ve already qualified in 3 states (California, New York, and Texas), we’re 41%–61% of the way in the next 10 states, and we’re 20%–39% of the way in another 8 states. So now we just need 10–20 more $200 contributions from each of 17 of the following states: AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, IL, MGA, MD, MI, NC, NJ, OH, OR, PA, VA, WA, WI. Or alternatively, if we assume $50 per contribution, we just need another roughly 1,000 contributions. See our matching funds progress page for more info.

While our campaign remains on track to qualify for the Federal Matching Funds program, it’s important that we meet the goal sooner rather than later—because naturally, the sooner we get that first six-figure matching funds check and begin receiving regular checks from Uncle Sam doubling our donations, the sooner we can do the urgent work to build the party now instead of having to wait for months. For one, with double the money coming into our campaign sooner, the Hawkins team will be able to mount a serious ballot-access drive to place the Green Party on the ballot in as many states as possible before the upcoming petitioning deadlines in those states. Stein/Baraka 2016 spent $800,000+ on ballot access alone, and we need to be prepared to do the same. Stein/Baraka were on more ballots than even Nader’s 2000 campaign. And none of that would have been possible had the Stein campaign not qualified for federal primary matching funds early during the primary season. If you’re considering waiting until the primary is over before you donate, please reconsider and donate today, so you can help us achieve matching funds and have your donation doubled.

Volunteers Needed

To that end, the Hawkins campaign is looking for Greens who are interested in phone banking other Greens and supporters in their state on our contact lists in order to meet our fundraising goals. We have lists, scripts, and other resources set up to get started now.

We are proud to demonstrate what a Green working-class campaign looks like, and we invite you to join us, whether as a volunteer or a donor. To volunteer, sign up at www.howiehawkins.us/volunteer.

Travis Christal, CPA
Treasurer, Howie Hawkins 2020

Howie Hawkins 2020

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