Red Lines For COVID and Economic Recovery

Red Lines For COVID and Economic Recovery

The Republicans have drawn a red line — protect employers from legal liability from COVID. The Democrats have not put in any red lines in place. After seeing the Republican plan, multiple red lines are needed. The failed bi-partisan state is unable to pass...
Mother’s Day in a Failed State

Mother’s Day in a Failed State

It is sad this Mother’s Day that so many of us cannot visit and hug our mothers, and mothers can’t visit and hug their children, because of social distancing and the isolation of those who are sick and hospitalized in this coronavirus pandemic. It is still important...
Fight Covid-19, Not Venezuela

Fight Covid-19, Not Venezuela

by Howie Hawkins May 7, 2020 The Keystone Cops have nothing on the rag-tag group of soldiers of fortune who failed earlier this week in their implausible plot to kidnap Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, trigger a military coup, and install the US puppet, Juan...

Howie Hawkins 2020

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