In Tennessee the H’20 campaign had two paths onto the ballot. The first was by acquiring a party ballot line which would require 56,000 valid signatures be submitted by August 5th, 2020. That means that volunteers would actually need to collect up to 100,000 signatures to be safe. Success would net a ballot line for all partisan offices in the state. However, with such a high requirement success was made practically impossible.
The other path on the ballot for Howie in Tennessee is by petitioning as an independent candidate. This only requires a meager 275 signatures be submitted by August 18th, 2020. The H’20 campaign would like to complete this drive as soon as possible to assure our place on the ballot. If you are interested in petitioning, phonebanking, or otherwise helping us be successful.
All signatures must be collected on forms issued by the Secretary of State’s office. You cannot print out or download the documents on your own. If you would like to help petition please contact our State Coordinator and they will get documents in your hands.
Sign-up to volunteer here.
Donating can also help us out by allowing us funds to pay petitioners, print materials, and cover other petitioning costs. Once we qualify for federal matching funds all individual donations up to $250 will be matched by the federal government. Donate today to help us qualify for matching funds earlier than any previous Green Presidential campaign.
Donate here.
Charles Owen
WEBSITE: greenpartyoftennessee.org
FACEBOOK PAGE: Green Party of Tennessee
FACEBOOK GROUP: Green Party of Tennessee