The state of Oklahoma has three paths to the ballot for the H’20 campaign, all of them very difficult. For state party ballot access we must submit over 35,000 valid signatures by February 28th, 2020.This requirement is very restrictive, and one of the highest in the nation. A presidential candidate can also get on the ballot as an independent. That too requires over 35,000 valid signatures, but with a later deadline of July 15th, 2020. That too is a very difficult feat. The third and final way for us to get on the ballot in Oklahoma is essentially a “pay to play” path to the ballot. The H’20 can simply pay the substantial filing fee of $35,000, be excluded from having to collect signatures, and automatically be placed on the ballot.
Because the petitioning window has already passed, at this point and time the only path to the ballot in Oklahoma is to pay the enormous filing fee. Please donate now while we are still eligible for matching funds! Your donation will be matched by the federal government, and will help to put us on the ballot in Oklahoma!
Donate today to help us pay the $35,000 filing fee in Oklahoma!