Earlier this year volunteers in Nevada were collecting signatures toward getting the Green Party of Nevada a statewide ballot line. Volunteers worked hard into the summer, and through the pandemic, to collect signatures. Unfortunately they were unable to collect the 9,764 valid signatures required by the state by June 30th, and their petition was declined. 

The state party is currently pursuing a court case to seek ballot status in Nevada. However, there is no telling if that case will be successful. So volunteers are now out on the streets again collecting signatures to place Howie and Angela on the ballot as independent candidates. This again requires 9,764 signatures to be collected. This time by August 14th.

We need your help. Click here to download our Nevada Petitioning Guide and get started today!



WEBSITE: nvgreenparty.org

PHONE: (775) 298 – NVGP

FACEBOOK PAGE: Nevada Green Party

FACEBOOK GROUP: Nevada Green Party Voter Registration Drive

TWITTER: @NVGreenParty

Howie Hawkins 2020

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