by H20 Staff | Feb 19, 2021 | Electoral Issues
Issue Brief on the HR 1 Campaign Finance Program By Howie Hawkins, February 18, 2021 Overview The Campaign Finance section is one of three divisions in HR 1, the proposed For the People Act. Division A deals with Voting, including many good reforms concerning internet...
by H20 Staff | Dec 14, 2020 | Electoral Issues, Media Release
By Howie Hawkins Democratic principles demand that the president should be elected by the people on the basis of one-person, one-vote. But today the Electoral College will elect the president based on an anachronistic anti-democratic 18th century system where some...
by H20 Staff | Nov 19, 2020 | Media Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 19, 2020 For Further Information: Virginia Rodino, Press Secretary, Robert Smith, Deputy Press Secretary, Biden Bombs Climate with Cedric Richmond Pick Howie Hawkins, the 2020 Green Party...
by H20 Staff | Nov 11, 2020 | Ecosocialism
Menciones de prensa en español en todo el planeta: Esfuerzos del Partido Demócrata para evitar que el Partido Verde compita electoralmente equivalen a suprimir el voto de los ciudadanos Howie Hawkins, candidato Verde de EEUU: “Debemos ser socios con los países de...
by H20 Staff | Nov 11, 2020 | Comunicados de prensa, Spanish content
Por Howie Hawkins y Angela Walker Nuestra campaña acaba de comenzar a organizarse y luchar por soluciones reales a los problemas de vida o muerte relacionados con el clima, la pobreza, el racismo y la guerra nuclear para los cuales el sistema de gobierno corporativo...