October 21, 2020
For more information:
Howie Hawkins,
Virginia Rodino,
Green Party Presidential candidate Howie Hawkins will appear at a Meet & Greet on October 22, 3-5 p.m. Central, at Camp 308, 407 Gallatin Avenue, Nashville. He will then travel across town to Belmont University, 1900 Belmont Blvd. for the Presidential Debate.
Hawkins will discuss his campaign’s proposal for an Economic Bill of Rights which guarantees six economic human rights, including:
- A Living-Wage Job
- An Income Above Poverty
- Affordable Housing
- Comprehensive Health Care
- Lifelong Free Public Education
- A Secure Retirement
The Economic Bill of Rights is integral to the Hawkins/Walker campaign’s Ecosocialist Green New Deal, which also includes a Green Economy Reconstruction Program to transform all productive sectors of the US economy to zero-to-negative greenhouse gas emissions and 100% clean energy by 2030. As the country plunges into the Covid-19 Depression, Hawkins considers the Green New Deal as an economic recovery as well as a climate action program.
“We need a multi-trillion dollar public investment in public enterprise and planning to convert our economy to 100% clean energy on the timescale that the carbon budgets of climate science demand. It is also how we are going to climb out of this economic hole. The dogmatic blind faith of both the Democrats and Republicans that private enterprise alone will lead a recovery and make the energy transition is a recipe for a long depression and a climate catastrophe,” Hawkins said.
The Green presidential ticket is on the ballot in 30 states representing 73% of voters and 381 electoral votes. Including the other states where they are qualified write-in candidates, 96% of Americans representing 514 of the total of 538 electoral votes will be able to vote for the Hawkins/Walker Green Party ticket.
Howie Hawkins, 67, is a retired Teamster construction and warehouse worker who has been active in movements for civil rights, peace, unions, and the environment since the 1960s. He was the first U.S. politician to campaign for a Green New Deal in 2010, in the first of three consecutive runs for New York governor. New York enacted several policies that only Hawkins had campaigned for after he received 5% of the vote in 2014, including a ban on fracking, a $15 minimum wage, and paid family leave. Vice-presidential candidate Angela Walker is a truck driver in Florence, South Carolina, a veteran and a union and racial justice activist.