Previous Campaigns

2018 NY Governor

2017 Syracuse Mayor

2015 Syracuse Auditor

2014 NY Governor 

2013 4th District Councilor

2011 4th District Councilor 

2010 NY Governor 

2009 4th District Councilor

2008 US Congress 

2007 Councilor At-Large

2006 US Senate

2005 Syracuse Mayor

2004 Congress
2003 Syracuse Councilor-At-Large (Petition challenge by Democrats knocked me off the ballot)
2002 State Comptroller
2001 Syracuse 4th District Councilor
2000 Congress
1999 Onondaga County Executive
1998 State Comptroller
1997 Syracuse Councilor-At-Large
1996 Congress (Petition challenge by Democrats knocked me off the ballot)
1995 Syracuse Mayor
1994 Syracuse Councilor-At-Large
1993 Syracuse Councilor-At-Large

Howie Hawkins 2020

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